Jet Lag

It’s an eleven-hour flight to Europe from L.A. I can find no way to do it more quickly, and I’m undecided whether it’s better to break the flight up or go direct. Either way it’s a lot of time in confined seats and canned air.

Over many years of crossing time zones, I’ve learned a few tricks to help me better acclimate at trip’s end.

First the basics: Drink lots of water. Sleep on the plane. Do what’s expected at the other end. If it’s night, sleep. If it’s time for lunch, eat. Walk and get fresh air as soon as possible.

The other key is to manage your aura. For some reason, the human energy field flies more slowly than a plane. One of the reasons for jet lag is our bodies are waiting for our auras to fully join us.

Donna Eden, in her book Energy Medicine, describes exercises to do while on an airplane to help your energy move with you into the new time zone. The theory is that our body’s meridians are in  alignment with the earth’s meridians (as measured by time zones), and when we move to a new time zone, we need to encourage our meridians to catch up. Donna does this by tapping points on the meridians at different times along the way. When I was flying to Montreal regularly to teach, I swore by these exercises. I highly recommend them if you fly a lot, or if you tend to have a hard time adjusting to new time zones. (You can buy her book on her website

Another way to get your energy to move with you is to call it to you.

We actually leave our energy everywhere we go and with different people we meet. I suggest making a point of calling it back daily. Say “I call my energy back from all the places I have left it and the people I have lent it to today. It returns to me clean and gently.” Then imagine your energy returning to you (you don’t have to know where it’s coming from) and filling you up.

I do a modified version of this when travelling. Whenever I think about it on the plane, I call my energy back to me, pulling it in nice and close. Then when I arrive at my destination, I root through my First Chakra to the earth, literally grounding me in the new time zone.

While I still feel tired from the ordeal of airports and travel, I am able to keep going and have more fun because my energy is with me wherever I am.


Recharge Your Energy

Just like your house gets stuffy after having the windows closed all winter, your aura and chakras can get sluggish if enough energy doesn’t flow through them.

Here is a simple visualization exercise I do to clean my aura and chakras. Don’t worry if you are not able to “see” the pictures, it is your intention that actually moves the energy. The visualizing just makes the exercise more interesting.

Start with golden light moving through your body and energy field. This light pours down from above like gentle rain, washing your aura (three feet around you in all directions including above and below), your physical body, your chakras and energy meridians.

As it moves through you, it dislodges and washes away any negative energy, any energy that is ready to be released, and any energy that is not yours. (You probably pick up energy from the people you’ve seen and the places you’ve been throughout the day—you don’t need to keep holding onto it.)

The golden light keeps flowing through you, carrying all that is not serving you down into the earth where it is turned into compost.

Stand in that rushing golden light for a few minutes until you feel cleansed and energized. Allow yourself to enjoy the feeling of energy moving through your aura, and of each of your cells being bathed in golden light.

Then let the golden light fill your whole body and aura so you look like a beautiful orb of golden light.

11:11:11 Meditation

While I originally wrote this article for Nov. 11, 2011, you can use the techniques I describe at any 11:11 moment. All 11s are gateways, so you can harness this energy any time you see 11:11 on a digital clock, or on Nov. 11 of any year.

I’m looking forward to November, 11, 2011—or as I like to call it—11:11:11.

It’s an exciting day—a day to set goals, to receive insight, to rejoice in the connection between our reality and the greater reality.

11s have long been symbols of the gateway to higher consciousness. They resemble the columns sitting behind the High Priestess in the Tarot, marking the path to the higher consciousness which we glimpse behind her veil.

On the 11th, it will be easier to see through her veil, and for energies to flow each way.

I’m not referring to “the other side” as in where all the dead people live. That was Halloween and Day of the Dead fun.

Instead, I’m referring to the greater cosmic energy from which we all come and to which we all return. The energy that feeds our souls and lightens our spirits. There are so many words for it: higher consciousness, all-that-is, greater reality, cosmos, universe. (It’s the energy we resonate with when we practice The Radiance Technique®.)

On Friday, as the energies move more easily between our three-dimensional world and the all-that-is, it is a great time to enjoy the connection between physical and spirit, between human and divine, between now and the infinite now.

On a practical level, you can use this open doorway to send good energies and visualizations into your future, like planting seeds for what you want to grow in your life. It’s a good day to do a vision board, say affirmations, imagine world peace, send out thoughts and prayers for a healthy planet—whatever you like.

I recommend spending a little time before the 11th thinking of how you would like your future to look. Then on Friday meditate on it. At the very bottom of this article is a visualization meditation I wrote—adapt it so it feels right to you.

During or after your meditation, you could spend some time listening quietly for answers in specific areas of your life, or for a general message.

The energies move both ways through the 11 doorway. You can also take time on Friday to receive a blessing from the divine. You can merge with the higher consciousness to increase your own spiritual growth and alignment. Sit quietly and say something like: “Today I move into a higher plane of consciousness and awareness and love.” Alter the words to suit you. This is a great time for spiritual transformation.

I’ll be spending the day in my garden, enjoying the heightened connection between visible and nonvisible, between nature and nonphysical. I have a feeling we’ll be making a flower essence to capture some of the energy. Whatever happens, I’ll be enjoying the ride.

The El Sereno Essences which might be useful to you during the lead-up to 11:11:11 are Summer Solstice to help you with visioning and Marguerite to help you be present to your inner guidance. If you don’t have them, you can order them at El Sereno

I hope you have fun in the triple-amplifed 11 energy!

11:11:11 Meditation

Sit quietly and notice your breathing. After a few breaths, imagine/visualize yourself walking on a path through a meadow. The sun is shining, birds are singing, there’s a gentle breeze. You feel happy, joyful, ready to burst into spontaneous song or dance as you feel a growing sensation of love moving through you as you walk along this path.

Ahead of you in the meadow, you see two tall pillars. Follow the path to them and stop for a moment before them. Take a couple of centering breaths. Then step through into the meadow on the other side.

From your pocket, pull out the seeds of your future that you want to plant in this meadow, this timeless space. As you sprinkle or plant each seed, think about what it will look like when it comes to flower. If it’s a new career, think of how much you will love your new job and your co-workers and you will feel fulfilled and well-paid (or whatever your desires are). If it’s for enhanced spiritual growth, imagine how you and your life will feel/look when this seed blooms. Do this for all the seeds in your pocket.

Then take a moment to look around in great satisfaction at the work you’ve done and the seeds you’ve planted. Throw your arms wide and say “Thank you” to the all-that-is.

With this feeling of gratitude and love, you easily drift back through the pillars to the meadow, and wander easily and gently along the path to where you started. Slowly become aware of your breathing and of your body.


Hands of Energy

Since I was a little girl my mother has told me I have healing hands.

I have seen and felt energy as long as I can remember. When I went to Institute NHC in Montreal, I learned how to direct energy, move it around and through people, how to clean out and restructure chakras, and more.

It was fun and interesting, and I think helpful to a lot of people. I have also taught others to work with their own chakras and energy.

I studied many techniques and ways of working with energy, including reiki (a couple of traditions), the works of Barbara Brennan and Rosalyn Bruyere, attunement, and various forms of meditation. I found all of them interesting and used some of their techniques. But I kept searching.

Then seven years ago I stood next to someone who had studied The Radiance Technique.®

I recognized the energy coming through her and through her hands as the same resonance that flows through me—the vibration I have known in the core of my being for as long as I’ve been working with energy.

I let her work on me (something I rarely do because I am very protective of my energy), and found that her technique brought me closer to myself and my own vibration. This is what had been missing from all those other techniques. I was hooked!

Since then I have studied The Radiance Technique® (TRT®) and used it with many of my clients. I have noticed that this particular form of energy harmonizes them to the whole. It reconnects them with who they really are—their strength, their wisdom, themselves. Yes, it is healing energy, but not in the way of cause and effect. Rather, it brings us to wholeness; and from that point, on all levels, we can heal—we can become who we really are.

TRT® connects us with pure light energy—not light energy in opposition to dark energy, but light energy that is the source of all things and that runs through every living thing.

There is a lot of theory and knowledge about TRT® and I would be happy to share it with you. More interesting to me, however, as an experiencer of energy, is that it is the only form of energy work I have found that works with the pure light energy within—that vibration that I carry and that I have seen in every living thing I have encountered. I see it, I feel it, and I know it.

And I am ready to help you know it too.

As an authorized instructor of The Radiance Technique®, I can connect you with this pure light energy so you can access it all the time forever. You too will be able to have the radiant source energy of the universe run through your body, out your hands, and into everything you touch. You will be giving this radiant energy to your food, your body, your pets, your family and loved ones, your plants, even the person you shake hands with.


Ask me about my next TRT® First Degree Seminar. When you leave the seminar, you will be attuned to this radiant light, your body will be harmonized with it, and your hands will be pulsating. From that day on, for the rest of your life, everything you touch will be connected with source through your hands. This will not drain you or tire you. You don’t even have to think about it. It will happen as naturally as breathing.

I will also teach you specific ways to use TRT® on yourself and others.

Many of you have experienced a hands-on TRT® session in my office. For those who haven’t and would like to, please call to set up an appointment. (But remember that a Radiance session does not make you able to run the energy yourself, just to bathe in it for a while.)

Since I first hung up my shingle as a Healing Intuitive, I have been looking for ways to help my clients access their own inner healer and inner wholeness just as I have been fortunate to do myself. TRT® is the easy, effective way to do this, and I am thrilled to be an authorized instructor of The Radiance Technique® so I can teach everyone how to be connected with pure light energy every moment of every day.

I look forward to sharing it with you!

The Radiance Technique® and TRT® are Registered Trade Marks “®” of The Radiance Technique® International Association, Inc. (T.R.T.I.A.) and are used to identify the authentic, intact and complete system of The Radiance Technique®. They can only be used by T.R.T.I.A., Radiance Seminars, Inc. and by Authorized Instructors of The Radiance Technique®.

Forms of Energy

There are multiple ways to move energy through the chakras and the aura. Many of them look the same on the physical level in terms of the placement of the hands on the body. However, on a vibrational level, each is doing a different thing.

There are three main types of energy work that I have found: the practitioner uses her energy to shift the energy of the client; the practitioner brings source energy through herself into the client; the practitioner amplifies the light already in the client.

I’ve studied versions of all these, and still use each of them at various times in my practice.

In the first type, the practitioner pushes and pulls energy, usually with her hands (an acupuncturist uses needles to do this), through the chakras, energy field, and body of the client. Examples of this are polarity therapy (where the practitioner balances the electromagnetic poles of the body to bring harmony), Therapeutic Touch, or the forms of chelation therapy taught by Rosalyn L. Bruyere and Barbara Brennan where the client’s energy flow is cleansed and the chakras are reconstructed or manipulated as necessary. Sometimes the practitioner will use their breath or other techniques to raise their own vibration to the level of the aura they’re working on. A good practitioner has a clean energy field herself, and is connected to source energy while working, but her energy tends to be mixed with the source energy as it flows through her hands. In this type of energy work, the practitioner tends to use a lot of mental energy and intention.

In the second type, the practitioner focuses on bringing source energy through herself into the client. Although the practitioner might place her hands on the chakras, she is not manipulating them. The client’s energy field receives what it needs and lets go of everything else. This is the process used in the various forms of reiki, as well as laying on of hands, and some meditative healing traditions. At this level the practitioner might engage in more prayer and intention of spiritual connection.

The third type of energy work, amplifying the light in the client, is used in The Radiance Technique®. The practitioner amplifies the light already in the aura, chakras and cells of the client’s body. We all contain the divine spark within us. With TRT® we learn to amplify it. There is no manipulation of the chakras or energy field, although the practitioner can put her hands on the client’s chakras to enhance the sense of resonance. Unlike the previous two forms of energy work, there is no exchange of energy between the practitioner and the client. The client might feel heat or tingling, but that is their own energy moving into alignment with the light source within themselves. It is not energy coming from the practitioner. The hands of the practitioner are working like a tuning fork, resonating at the level of the light within the client, causing that light to resonate more strongly.

All of these forms of energy work have their uses, and all can be beneficial when applied by an experienced practitioner.

The Radiance Technique®, however, does not require a skilled practitioner. Anyone who has studied to The First Degree of The Radiance Technique® can amplify the light in themselves and others. Because there is no intention or manipulation, no harm can be done. It is always safe and appropriate to work with pure light energy using The Radiance Technique®, which is why I recommend that everyone study it and use it on themselves and others.

Science of Deliberate Creation

“The only reason that something that you want is not coming to you is that you are holding yourself in vibrational harmony with something other than what you want.”
—Abraham 2001

The Science of Deliberate Creation teaches us to focus on the power of our thoughts to create our realities.

“Abraham, a group of obviously evolved teachers, speaks their broader non-physical perspective through the physical apparatus of Esther Hicks. Speaking to our level of comprehension, from their present moment to our now, through a series of loving, allowing, brilliant yet comprehensively simple recordings, in print and sound—they guide us to a clear connection with our Inner Being—they guide us to self-upliftment from our total self.”
—The Science of Deliberate Creation Quarterly Journal

Esther Hicks started channeling Abraham in the 1980s and many new age writers have drawn from the material over the years. These concepts have been expanded on by Louise Hay, and by the creators of The Secret. Christine Northrup, M.D., recommends the Abraham-Hicks material to her patients, and says on her website that it has helped her. “I love the monthly audio tape program and have subscribed to it for years,” she says.

I used to lead a discussion group where we would listen to tapes and then discuss the material, focusing on ways we can use it in our daily leaves.

I don’t lead this group any more, but you can click here to see notes of our previous meetings and get affirmations and exercises you can try on your own.

“You are extensions of Source Energy. And the more you are allowing the fullness of your Source Energy to flow through you—the more you thrive.”

12-Point Synopsis of the Abraham-Hicks Material

  1. You are a physical extension of that which is non-physical.
  2. You are here in this body because you chose to be here.
  3. The basis of your life is freedom; the purpose of your life is joy.
  4. You are a creator; you create with your every thought.
  5. Anything that you can imagine is yours to be or do or have.
  6. As you are choosing your thoughts, your emotions (guidance from your loving Inner Being) are guiding you.
  7. The Universe adores you for it knows your broadest intentions.
  8. Relax into your natural well-being. All is well. (Really it is.)
  9. You are a Creator of Thoughtways on your unique path of joy.
  10. Actions to be taken and possessions to be exchanged are by-products of your focus on joy.
  11. You may appropriately depart your body without illness or pain.
  12. You can not die. You are everlasting life.

—Jerry and Esther Hicks 11/95

“You must be in the mode of joy, or of feeling good, in order to let in the things you’ve been asking for. You must first get happy. You cannot work hard enough to make the things that you want happen—it is only in your attitude of joy that they do.”
—Abraham 6/23/01

For more information on the Abraham-Hicks material, visit the Abraham-Hicks website.

Radiant Peace Project

Twenty people gathered today in my mother’s garden in Beaconsfield, Quebec, to walk her labyrinth and join in a guided meditation for world peace that I led.

It was a beautiful, sunny afternoon, and after the meditation, everyone stayed for tea and cookies and enjoyed the radiant energy we had generated. They contributed $100 to the Radiant Peace Foundation in support of Radiant Peace Projects around the world.

The participants shared what Radiant Peace meant to them:

Radiant Peace is…
people sitting in harmony
being in touch with the Source
taking the time it takes to connect to the ones we love
feeling harmony with all living things
very relaxing
radiant peace is my joy
the power that will heal the world
a satisfying approach to living my life in this world
sitting in a beautiful garden
being in tune with joy, balanced
my job, now that I feel it is possible, is to accept and radiate peace, prosperity and love

Metamorphic Technique Can Transform Your Life

Anne had worried all her life. She always had a nagging worry at the back of her mind, mostly about money. After five sessions of Metamorphic Technique, she realized she wasn’t worrying anymore. “It’s like a part of me has gone away, the part of me that worried,” she said in amazement. In addition to that, she found her business was prospering, with new clients coming in from unexpected places. It was an amazing turnaround in her life. (The names in these stories have been changed.)

Penny was feeling overwhelmed and unable to cope. She had lived in her apartment for 39 years and had just been told by her landlord that she had to move because they wanted the apartment for a family member. She couldn’t face looking for an apartment, and then sorting through and moving 39 years of accumulated belongings. Weekly metamorphic sessions helped her cope with the move. Her life started moving more easily as she was able to find an apartment in an area she wanted, at a price she could afford, and many new friends pitched in to help her with the move. She learned to ask for help, and she’s starting to settle into her new apartment. Things are looking brighter.

Lisa was addicted to caffeine. If she saw a Coca-Cola, she had to drink it. Not just one, many. She described herself as an alcoholic for caffeine. Yet caffeine was really bad for her body, as was the sugar in the soft drinks. She’d done a lot of work to wean herself off caffeine, but she still felt the addiction. After four metamorphic sessions, she realized she was no longer craving caffeine. In fact, she could drink half a Coca-Cola and leave the rest, something she had never before been able to do.

Ralph’s life was falling apart on him. His business was struggling. His marriage was falling apart, and his body was falling apart under the stress of it all. After four metamorphic sessions he felt his life getting back together. His business improved. his marriage started healing. And his body was healthy and strong again. “You’re a miracle worker” he told me.

These are four of the many people who have received sessions in Metamorphic Technique from me, and all of them can attest to its life-transforming effects.

Metamorphic was developed in the 1970s in England by a naturopath/psychic/reflexologist who found that there are reflexes on the feet, hands and head that relate to the time from preconception and conception right through to birth. The metamorphic practitioner addresses these reflexes and allows them to release any traumas they’ve been holding on to. And the client’s life changes.

While in the womb, you feel and hear everything your mother feels and hears. If she feels worried about money, you might form a stress pattern around prosperity issues. If she is unsure whether she wants the baby, you may form abandonment issues. And on and on.

This is not to blame the mother. She is after all only human. And she is making an extreme sacrifice in sharing her body so that you can be born. She is entitled to any feelings she needs.

The great news is that you can release these stress patterns through Metamorphic Technique. You don’t need to relive the trauma. You don’t have to consciously know what your issues are or what you want to release. You just let it go, and appreciate the results.

A metamorphic session lasts about an hour. While my clients are on the table they feel a variety of experiences. Most of the time they drift off into an altered state. Other times they feel discomfort throughout the session, not pain, but an antsy feeling. This is probably when a major pattern is being released, and they’re letting it go, like a snake shedding its skin. Sometimes they sleep. Sometimes they cry for no reason at all. Sometimes they leave my office in a state of bliss. Often they feel slightly different in a way they can’t verbalize.

This is a really right-brain process. One the brain can’t understand, but that really works. Most of my clients say to me things like “I don’t know what you’re doing but it’s really doing something.”

Sophie, who spent only one hour with her birth mother before being given up for adoption, felt uncomfortable for a few days after each metamorphic session. After the first one she felt really tired. After the second, she felt irritable. Her mother knew throughout the pregnancy that she was not going to keep Sophie. In the womb, Sophie picked up on that. Through metamorphic she was able to release those feelings of abandonment, insecurity, and more. She was able to be the person she came in to be.

That is really the goal of metamorphic: to connect the client with the spark they originally came in as. To reconnect them with their life purpose, their soul. To clear away all the baggage of their human existence, and let them feel who they really are.

It takes about five sessions for clients to really notice a difference in their lives. Some people do a few sessions and feel they’ve released enough, and have noticed such a difference in their lives they feel great. Others choose to continue with weekly or biweekly or monthly sessions as they continue to see their lives unfold or change.

There is no one experience with the Metamorphic Technique. It’s a process of accessing the client’s own inner healer, who of course knows the best way for the client to heal.