Hand Reflexology for Allergies

As the Santa Anas start to blow, many people suffer from dry, itchy eyes and sinus problems.

Fortunately, relief is at hand. Literally. There are reflexes on your hands and feet that relate to all parts of your body. It’s easy to work on your hands to relieve allergies and other problems.

Start by warming up your hands a little. Gently stretch out your fingers, rotate your wrists, loosen your shoulders.

Then press firmly into the reflexes described below below. Press so you can feel the pressure, but don’t bruise yourself. If a particular place hurts more acutely, ease the pressure, but spend a longer time massaging it. See if you can massage the pain away. I often use the tips of my fingers, and do small circular massaging motions to get deeply into the reflexes.

  1. On the pad of each finger are the sinus reflexes. Press in behind the nail (on your fingerprint) firmly, three to five times each finger.
  2. The fingers and thumb relate to the head. Massage gently down from the top of the fingers (near the nail) to the base, pressing extra on any sore points. This helps release the head tension that comes with allergies.
  3. Between the fingers are other reflexes for the sinuses. Pinch the webbing between the fingers (this could be tender), and roll the webbing between your finger and thumb. This also releases shoulder and neck tension.
  4. The adrenal reflex helps slow down the allergic reaction. This is on the palm of your hand. Feel down your thumb bone into the palm of your hand. On the finger side of that bone, about halfway between your thumb and your wrist, is the reflex you’re looking for. It will be sore. Dig into it with your finger or other thumb.

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