Base Chakra Affects Animals, Too

I talked recently to a German Shepherd called Tommy. He was a big healthy dog, but he seemed to be scared of his own shadow, so his owner called me to see what was going on.

When I tuned into Tommy, he felt like a very small puppy. I looked further and noticed that his base chakra was malformed, and he wasn’t bringing in enough energy through it. The base chakra is our foundation. It helps us feel strong and energetic, and helps us cope with physical reality: finances, food, shelter are among the areas governed by base chakra energy.

I suggested Tommy see a chiropractor to readjust his tail and lower spine because the misalignment (probably from birth) was constricting the energy flow in his base chakra. After a few treatments, he was able to maintain the proper alignment to help the base chakra start to work properly. As this happened, he became more aware of himself and the world around him. When I next tuned into him, he felt like a large dog. His work continues as he learns to grow into his body, but he is enthusiastic about it, and feels much better about being alive.

We can all learn from Tommy’s experience. If you are having challenges in any aspect of your base chakra, get energy work, wear red socks and underwear, or do gentle half-squats to get the energy moving. Taking time to organize your finances, clean your home, and eat nourishing food can help as well.

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